Looper: 20 Mistakes Rian Johnson Should Have Avoided

16. Old Joe Needs To Think Ahead, Or As Himself, Better

Old Joe warns his foolish younger self to leave town and to not get in his way on his labor of love. He knocks himself out, and then just leaves him there, sure without the truck but of course he just walks back to the city. Alright, why not just restrain himself, chain him (Even Sara Handcuff's him when he is on her farm) in an abandoned building somewhere and go release him after the deed is done. You need to make sure he lives too, having young Joe wander around with the loopers after him is not a good security policy. Not only does he pass this opportunity, but old-Joe gets another chance to do something about himself. He falls literally right in front of him, so what does he do this time? He places Joe near the Train Yard, not at the train yard or locked in a compartment on a train out of town just on the other side of the fence of the Train Yard. Did he really think that this time would be any different? That he would take the hint? Doesn't he know himself better?

Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog