Looper: 20 Mistakes Rian Johnson Should Have Avoided

15. Simple Living

So, we've just had the diner scene and the following shoot-out. Both of the Joes have made their missions clear, there is not going to be any reconciliation between two here. Then suddenly we get life on Emily Blunt's farm... it's a jarring edit. I hope this wasn't another "look at how simple and pure living off the land is, compared to urban life-style!" I really hope. I believe that it is a action break, but you have to ease the peddle down not abruptly stomp on it. So, we are treated to Sara taking care of a tree stump, loading the water unit, and putting her son to bed. Can we get more of the Blunder Busters vs. GAT shoot-outs? Or the conflict between the wants and priorities of yourself thirty-years apart?

Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog