Any fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe knows that the movies being incredibly entertaining blockbusters that confidently balance comic book logic and modern cinematic realism, all mixed with an overriding sense of fun, is just one part of the series' appeal. What's really turned the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the dominant force of modern cinema - a mainstream, studio mandated mega-franchise completely adored by geeks - is the sheer attention to detail in realising the unprecedented shared universe. Ever since Iron Man in 2008, hidden in-jokes and more involved Easter eggs have become part-and-parcel of an MCU movies, creating a magic formula many other series are desperate to imitate. Regular audiences can pick up on the numerous references to Iron Man in a Captain America movie, while more obsessively inclined fans can pour over all the background details that hint at the movies set to come over the next decade. There's so many little winks, nods and background trivia, in fact, that it can be hard to keep track of it all. Here we present a complete rundown of all the continuity Easter eggs, direct comic book references and other fun hidden gems (so far). Yeah, everything (it's big). All the Easter eggs are presented in chronological order. If you want to skip to any movie in particular, follow the links below: Iron ManThe Incredible HulkIron Man 2ThorCaptain America: The First AvengerThe AvengersIron Man 3Thor: The Dark WorldCaptain America: The Winter SoldierGuardians Of The Galaxy