MCU: Every Phase Three Post Credit Scene Ranked Worst To Best

21. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 - The Watchers

Avengers: Infinity War Captain Marvel Pager
Marvel Studios

Most MCU movies will have just two credit scenes, one mid-credit sting, and one after they have finished rolling. There are however, some exceptions. Infinity War had one, Endgame had none, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 had no fewer than five.

The final of these scenes revisits Stan Lee's cameo with the Watchers from earlier in the movie. Guardians Vol 2 is the 15th entry in the MCU franchise, and the 15th in which Stan Lee appeared. Marvel fans everywhere struggled to believe that these were not connected, and in 2017 one popular theory was confirmed. Stan Lee was a Watcher. A member of the race whose sole purpose is to obverse the universe without interference.

Should the scene that actually dropped this bombshell have been the post credit scene, this entry would have been much higher up the list. However, the revelation came in the middle of the movie, and the post credit scene itself was simply the back end of the interaction with the comic legend being abandoned by his fellow Watchers.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.