MCU: Every Phase Three Post Credit Scene Ranked Worst To Best

20. Spider-Man: Homecoming - The Vulture And The Scorpion

Avengers: Infinity War Captain Marvel Pager
Marvel Studios

After Adrian Toomes is caught by Spider-Man and sent to prison in Homecoming, he is confronted by fellow inmate Mac Gargan. The Vulture and the Scorpion have a brief chat about Spider-Man with the latter insinuating that the former knows the true identity of the web-slinger.

This post-credit scene had a tonne of potential. It teased the return of Michael Keaton as Adrian Toomes wanting revenge on Peter all for himself, a potentially larger role for Scorpion further down the line, and even the threat of being revealed as Spider-Man hanging over Peter's head.

Yet, the sequel has arrived and there was no sign of Toomes and no sign of Gargan. Not even a hint. It may be that Sony are saving these for the third movie of the trilogy, but with Spidey's identity now broadcast across the world, the interaction between the two villains after Homecoming seems simply redundant at this point.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.