Ranking The Terminator Franchise From Worst To Best
7. Terminator Genisys

Terminator Genisys is a film to turn your brain off and watch. Sure, being PG-13 means that the more seedy aspects of the franchise get washed out, but there is tons of fun Terminator action, effects, and mayhem to watch. The film sort of works on a visceral level like Star Trek 2009 or Jurassic World; full of homages to the originals, but forging a new path around more modern sensibilities.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s role in this film is also really cool. Playing both young, middle age, and elder versions of the T-800, Schwarzenegger gives a great performance about the issues one faces with aging. One wishes the film had focused more on this when “Pops” hand starts to flutter and he says to Reese, “I’m old, not obsolete.” Also, kudos to JK Simmons for adding levity in the film as a cop ally to Sarah and Kyle.
However, beyond all these things, Terminator Genisys still qualifies as a bad movie because of its main cast and poor script. Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, and Jason Clarke are all quie wooden. The script is not that much better. Plot holes and time travel paradoxes are glossed over at the desire to reboot the franchise.
The final act of stopping judgment day once again is overtly tedious and boring. The only interesting story element here, is an evolving Skynet, but the film glosses over that to get to the ending and pack in more crowds for the next showing.
Terminator Genisys is better than T3 because it doesn't make fun of the series, and really only succeeds in its presentation, homages, and fantastic turn for Schwarzenegger's T-800.