RoboCop Remake Trailer: 5 Things We Learned

4. Prime Directives

Sin Título 32 One of the most interesting parts of the original Robocop were the prime directives he had to follow (Serve the public trust; Protect the Innocent; Uphold the Law; any attempt to arrest a senior OCP employee results in shutdown) since those were the entire "personality" Robocop had during the first portion of the movie. Considering the approach they're going with in this version (I'll go into that later) I doubt that the prime directives will be as explicit as they were on the original movie. They might be implied since he's going to be more machine than man, however there were only 2 indicators that he's going to follow them. The first one is that he's going to be completely programed to find and attack people who are wanted for some crime ("I've selected 13 targets, all wanted for murder") and the second one is that one of the scientist mentions that he's "overwritting the system's priorities," as well as Gary Oldman mentioning that the "human element will always interfere with the system." So in the slight chance that they make an appearance in the movie it won't be in the same way.

Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.