Spider-Man: Homecoming - 20 Best One-Liners
The most quotable Spider-Man movie ever.

Spider-Man: Homecoming may or may not be the best Spider-Man movie to date depending upon your love for the Sam Raimi movies, but it sure is the web-slinger's most quotable and one-liner-heavy effort to date.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe sometimes catches flak for relying too much on pithy one-liners to the point that it detracts from the overall tension and sense of threat, but framed by a John Hughes-esque high school movie style and tone, the humour feels so much more natural, even with a ridiculous six screenwriters collaborating on the script.
This is easily not just one of the most hilarious MCU movies to date, but one of the most uproariously funny superhero films in recent memory, packed to the gills with dialogue that helps build the world and develop the characters as much as it purely entertains...
20. "What Does Hulk Smell Like?"

After Peter Parker's best pal Ned learns that his buddy is in fact Spider-Man, he can't stop asking him questions about it, just as any nerdy friend wouldn't be able to resist doing in real life.
Like the Avengers fanboy that he is, Ned eventually asks Peter, "What does Hulk smell like?" Let's face it, when you've got the chance to ask a superhero any question you want, you may as well lead with one certainly nobody has ever asked him before.
Peter sadly doesn't answer, but the mere presence of the question is surely provocation enough to keep the discussion alive online for years to come.