Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

21. The Avengers Tower

Spider Man Homecoming Iron Man Helmet
Marvel Studios

The shadow of the Avengers looms pretty large over the film, as it seems Peter Parker wants to join up as a fully paid-up member following his cameo in Civil War.

That's clearly a cause for frustration for Tony, who may now be feeling some guilt for having brought a child into that world for his own gain. Maybe that's why he's so drawn to him - a protective instinct because he was an idiot?

After Iron Fist forgot the Avengers Tower existed, it's nice to see it back - and to see that General Ross hasn't had it torn down in vengeance for Stark letting the Avengers escape.

Spider-Man Homecoming Avengers Tower
Marvel Studios

Could someone please reassure me that that doesn't say "anal"? Please?

The Tower was also the building he's seen hanging off in one of the three posters released ahead of the trailer...

Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

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