Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

20. Vulture Has An Iron Man Helmet

Spider Man Homecoming Iron Man Helmet
Marvel Studios

Either Tony Stark is careless with where he leaves his suits, or - more likely - the final act of the film sees Vulture capture Stark after he's told Spider-Man to keep out of it.

Cue a final act rescue, which also serves as Parker's audition for the Avengers...?

The trailer also establishes that Tony is the reason for Vulture's evil turn...

Tony Stark Spider-Man Homecoming Damage Control
Marvel Studios

So there's the confirmation that Stark is responsible for introducing Damage Control - which puts Vulture's scrap business out of business and leads to the TV show spin-off we've been promised for a while now.


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