For those who have downloaded the Star Trek Into Darkness App, two new stills were exclusively revealed from the quickly forthcoming sequel. The photos show Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto) and the villain John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch), all looking very serious indeed. The free app from Paramount Pictures and Qualcomm asks its users to go on ''missions'' to hunt and scan specific pictures and clips to unlock special content. And by special content I mean the St Patrick's Day picture which you can see at the footer of this post. The app also promotes the upcoming
Star Trek Video Game which is only six weeks away from release. Game are currently running a great incentive to pre-order the game that takes place between the 2009 movie and Into Darkness. Those who pre-order online get a free cinema ticket to go see Star Trek Into Darkness at their local Cineworld, as pre-order bonuses go, this is not a bad deal especially as the game is looking to be half decent. And that is not all, Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 HD is being released on Blu-Ray on the 29th April 2013. In a twitter chat with Star Trek guru Michael Okuda a while back, he told me that CBS is considering giving Deep Space Nine the same high definition treatment that the Next Generation has received, if the sales continue to be strong. With the first two seasons of Next Generation out of the way, most fans have been waiting for season 3 because that is when the show really got going. And with the superb job Okuda and the team did with the previous HD releases, the season that introduced us to the Borg has to be an essential purchase for any Star Trek fan, especially as it paves the way for Deep Space Nine HD. The Star Trek Into Darkness App is available for free in the App Store and Google Play.