Star Wars: 10 Strongest Female Characters

1. Darth Traya

Darth Traya (also known as Kreia) may seem like a harmless, blind, one-handed old crone but when you start to get closer to her (which is a really bad idea), you€™ll start to see just how really dangerous she is. Traya is the enemy in plain sight of Knights Of The Old Republic 2, spending most of the game as the Exile€™s morally ambiguous mentor while casting her malign influence over everyone around her, coming close to beating Darth Sidious as the Star Wars Universe€™s greatest manipulator. Her manipulation is on a much smaller scale than Sidious€™s but is no less efficient and is even more disturbing because of how personal it is. Imagine Traya digging through your mind while you€™re fully conscious and aware of it, and finding any secret or weakness she can exploit. Much more chilling than starting an intergalactic war. She was one of Revan€™s Jedi Masters and took command of the remnants of his Sith Empire, becoming one third of a Sith Triumvirate and taking on title of Lord Of Betrayal alongside Lord Of Pain Darth Sion and Lord Of Hunger Darth Nihilus. She was the most powerful member of the Triumvirate until Sion and Nihilus combined forces, stripped her of her power, and exiled her. From that point on, everything Traya did was in pursuit of a single insane goal: destroying the Force itself. As well as having an incredible gift for manipulating everyone around her, Traya is a seriously dangerous fighter, managing at one point to drain the life from three Jedi Council members at once, killing them instantly and reducing their bodies to desiccated husks. And when it comes to the Star Wars staple that is the Lightsaber duel, her frail body and missing left hand won€™t stop her. She€™ll just break out a trio of telekinetically controlled Lightsabers and teach you a real lesson. She may be the ultimate evil, but she€™s proof that Star Wars isn€™t short of worrying powerful women. Which female Star Wars characters do you think belong on this list? Leave a comment...

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.