Star Wars: 10 Strongest Female Characters

2. The Jedi Exile

The main character of Knights Of The Old Republic 2 can be played as a male or female but supplementary material and MMORPG The Old Republic identify her as a Light-sided female and give her a name: Meetra Surik. Unable to stand by and watch the Jedi refuse to act against the Mandalorians attacking planets on the Outer Rim, Surik joined the Jedi fighting under rogue Jedi Knight Revan and became a general, ultimately being responsible for the decision to activate a superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator and almost completely destroy the planet Malachor V, wiping out the Republic and Mandalorian forces fighting there. Although Surik made the conscious choice to activate the weapon, at her heart she was so horrified and disturbed at her decision that it caused her to completely lose her connection to the Force. After the war ended, she was expelled from the Jedi Order for her actions and began a five year exile. Her exile came to an end when the remnants of the Sith Empire began to hunt her, believing her to be the last of the Jedi. She redeveloped her connection to the Force and began a quest to gather the last of the Jedi, becoming a staunch defender of those in need on the planets she travelled to and following the ways of the Jedi closer than she had during the Mandalorian Wars. During her journey to unite the Lost Jedi, Surik gave many of the companions she had gathered (all of whom had been affected in some way by the Mandalorian Wars) informal Jedi training despite never having taken a Padawan beforehand and only just returning from such a long period without her connection to the Force. Those she trained eventually became instrumental in rebuilding the Jedi Order after its near total destruction, showing how astounding Surik's innate talent for leadership and for training Jedi was. After destroying the triumvirate of Sith Lords that had risen during her exile, Surik journeyed into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy in search of Revan and the Sith threat he had left to fight. She eventually saved Revan from the Sith Emperor Vitiate at the cost of her own life, though her spirit remained to act as both comfort and counsel to Revan during the three centuries he was kept in stasis by Vitiate rather than becoming one with the Force and allowing herself to be at peace During the Mandalorian Wars, Surik proved to be a natural leader and a powerful warrior, skills she would draw on again following her exile. She was a selfless and charismatic Jedi who had an immense impact on the galaxy for centuries after her death.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.