Star Wars: 5 Outrageous Internet Flame Wars

star wars Is there any force out there more powerful, more destructive, more fuelled by rage than when a Geek (we use that term in the nicest possible way) loses it online? There you are one day writing an article for What Culture about 100 Great Comic Book Adaptations and then within minutes of hitting the publish button the nerd community explodes into action to challenge your every decision, your choice of imagery, your font and even the way you part your hair. One week later and you've been called every name under the sun, reduced grown men to tears over your placing of Superman IV and found yourself on the receiving end of your very own mini flame war. As fun as that experience was there's a subject out there that perhaps causes even more nerd fury than even comic books and superheroes combined and that subject is Star Wars. Even now after simply typing the words Star and Wars next to one another I can feel the warmth of the flame wars igniting. Fortunately - this time - our intentions are not to make any of you spontaneously combust in anger over sore subjects like who shot first Han or Greedo but instead would like to bring to your attention five of the most ridiculous and outrageous flame wars that have ever occurred on the good old internet as fan boy after fan boy attempts to create the definitive explanation for the events of the six Star Wars movies. So sit back and relax you bunch of Nerf Herders as we poke a few Star Wars fans with sticks and reopen old wounds.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.