Star Wars: 50 Greatest Moments - Ranked
40. Speeder Bike Chase (Return Of The Jedi)
Speaking of thrilling chase sequences, this one takes place in an entirely different fashion, but is just as exhilarating to watch.
Luke and Leia jump on a speed bike to distract the Imperial Scout Troopers, who promptly give chase. What follows is a ridiculous high-speed sequence as we zoom past the lush forests of Endor. It was captured by the cameramen at 3/4 of a frame per second, who had the unfortunate task of lugging steadicams around in order to capture the required footage. It was then sped up to the normal 24fps, which gives the bikes the impression of going at 120mph.
It all pays off though, with the camerawork combining with Ben Burtt's whooshing sound effects and the Endor setting - and an absence of score - to make the sequence a true stand out.