Star Wars: 50 Greatest Moments - Ranked

41. Skirmish In The Senate (Revenge Of The Sith)

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Yoda Darth Sidious

Debates can long be waged about who the most powerful Force users in Star Wars are - and it can vary depending on whether you're talking canon or Legends, lightsaber skill or other powers - but there's no denying that, by any definition, Yoda and Palpatine are up there as two of the greatest users of the Force to have ever lived.

That's why it's so good, then, to see the masters finally go at it, as Yoda battles Darth Sidious in the Skirmish in the Senate.

It gradually builds, starting with Yoda's casual dispatching of the Royal Guards, into a ferocious Force fight, as we get to see a range of powers on show from two masters of the Force, which sandwich an epic lightsaber duel. Yoda, having made his fighting debut in the previous film, looks even better in action this time around, while Ian McDiarmid is a gloriously maniacal presence (as you'd expect).

Yoda blocks Sidious' lightning and directs it back at him, and still can't get a proper victory, eventually having to retreat. It's exactly what a meeting between these two beings should be.

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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.