Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 9 “Spoilers” We Already Know Are Lies

The triumphant return of the Fetts? Nope.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the most anticipated thing in the history of forever, and as the release date creeps closer lots of over eager fans have been tripping over themselves trying to guess what the story will be. They€™ve combed over every set photo, casting announcement and piece of footage for clues, and have come up with theories both plausible and ridiculous. Part of the fun of talking about The Force Awakens is the speculation about what will happen during the story; who is Kylo Ren and who could he be related to, what is Luke Skywalker doing and how do Finn and Rey fit into the saga? Nobody knows for sure yet, but this hasn€™t stopped the flood of websites and fans keen to announce €œspoilers€ based on pure speculation and guesswork. Since there really hasn€™t been much revealed about the story yet it makes it hard to debunk every rumour around it, but using some crafty research skills, interviews with the cast and crew €“ and a small dash of logic €“ some of the bigger spoilers out there can be safely ruled out.

9. R2-D2 Will Turn Evil

The biggest rumours surrounding The Force Awakens involve Luke Skywalker, as his role in the plot hasn€™t been revealed and no official photos of the character have been released, which leads people to think he might have turned to the Dark Side. There€™s a hooded character with a robot hand seen in the trailer who might €“ possibly €“ be Luke, who reaches out to touch R2. This gave birth to a short-lived story that since Luke is supposedly evil, that when he touches the droid he€™ll turn evil too. And the evidence for this? R2€™s light is seen turning red when €œLuke€ touches him. So yeah, flimsy evidence at best that was never the less reported as a potential spoiler. This is a twist that wouldn€™t even make sense; how much of a threat could an evil R2 even be? Is he going to challenge Finn to a lightsaber battle at some point?

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.