The 10 Animated Classics Disney WON'T Remake In Live Action

7. Tarzan

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Tarzan was pretty much the end of the Disney Renaissance, the last solid film made before the naughties dip. As such it's not the best of that ear, although it is stil definitely the most culturally-impactful version of Tarzan since the original serials. And that's one of the big things Disney are looking for in this reboot binge.

But the reason it worked was because it was animated. And that's not a frivolous statement either; there's been so many versions of Tarzan in live-action since Johnny Weissmüller's lengthy, dominant turn and none have really had anything approaching a profound impact. There's just not the same fascination about an Ape Man in the modern, connected world, something we'll likely see compounded by the iffy-looking The Legend Of Tarzan.

Regardless of if that Warner Bros. film works, Disney's take just doesn't offer enough in addition to the Burroughs baseline to make a reimagining in the vein of their film work; for all its interesting characters and sumptuous jungle, the main addition it offered was the music of Phil Collins. And nobody wants that again.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.