The 10 Animated Classics Disney WON'T Remake In Live Action

8. The Rescuers

The Rescuers Disney.jpg

The only Disney film to have a sequel in the main Classics canon (although Frozen will soon alter that), The Rescuers is a beloved, if now underseen, treat that is well known enough to be viable but obscure enough to not anger fans with heavy changes.

And heavy changes would be needed - the story is absolutely ridiculous when you think about it and the idea would need some serious development to work now (that same Aristocat problem).

If all this was going down a few decades ago, you can bet it would have been a goer - movies about kids and evil adults viewed through the lens of colourful critters realised with puppetry or costumes would have been on point. Now, even though the methods to achieve it are better, the allure jut isn't as strong. Family dramas aren't the money spinners they were and while it is something that Disney could choose to play to a younger market, there's more suitable brands they could use.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.