Top 10 Films About Extreme Weather!

9. The Perfect Storm (2000)

Based on a book by Sebastian Junge (which, in turn, was based on a true story), The Perfect Storm is certainly not the perfect film! However, despite this, it is aesthetically impressive and the special effects are exceptional. Loosely based on the experiences of the sword-fishing crew of the Andrea Gail, The Perfect Storm tells the story of how they faced an extraordinarily intense storm during their last trip to sea of the season. Whilst the acting isn€™t terrible, George Clooney in particular is not his usual first-rate self €“ which goes to show that even a stellar actor can€™t save everything that comes their way€ The lack of drama included in the narrative threatens the pace of the film, but never fully derails (or should that be capsizes!?) it - perhaps intending to build suspense, the weak characters prevent the film from achieving this. However, what does save The Perfect Storm from total failure are the awe-inspiring special effects that create the images of the storm. Far more gripping than any of the drama between the characters, the gargantuan storm is proof of how a film can be redeemed by little more than impressive special effects.
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