Top 10 Films About Extreme Weather!

8. Twister (1996)

The first guilty pleasure on this list €“ it€™s not amazing, but an enjoyable enough romp nevertheless (and was the second highest grossing movie in the US in it€™s year of release!). Following two competing teams of €˜storm-chasers€™ that are attempting to perfect tornado research techniques, the film is rammed with incredible special effects. As well as the action-packed elements of the plot, the relationship between Bill Harding (Bill Paxton) and his soon to be ex-wife Dr Jo Harding (Helen Hunt) is also of interest. Possibly more interesting than the film itself are the two urban legends that have since developed in relation to Twister: firstly, a cinema in Niagara Falls, Canada was destroyed by a tornado shortly before it was due to screen the film! Eerily similar to the scene in the film where a cinema is destroyed by a tornado, urban legend of course embellished the tale to state that the real life cinema was showing Twister at the time of the destruction! Secondly, in May this year, a tornado destroyed a farmhouse that had heavily featured in the film! On a slight tangent, if you ever visit Universal Studios Orlando€definitely check out the Twister experience! In front of your eyes you€™ll see real (manmade) tornadoes €“ awesome!
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