Eurotrash? I would call it Eurotreasure. But that's just me. Folks are used to the mid to high brow films coming from our Continental friends. Virtually everyone has heard of Bergman, they may have no clue of his films but they know they are high art gloominess. Now I happen to be a huge fan of old Bergy and if I felt like it, I could discuss his films until the cows come home. But I am schizophrenic in my tastes. As much as I love Through a Glass Darkly, I also love The Seduction of Inga - a Swedish sexploiter. As happy in the gutter as I am in the arthouse, I have put aside my Bresson DVDs to bring you the Top 50 Eurotrash films. These films are not ranked by the best as that would have scrambled my mind, but it is a pretty good general guide to what's out there and it encompasses genres and sub-genres such as Horror, erotica, sexploitation, Nazisploitation, women in prison, Giallos, zombies, cannibals, Emanuelle, nunsploitation... This is my kind of happening and it freaks me out!
50. Zombie Lake (1981)

Zombie Lake is a film that is so inept, an old forum I used to visit had it as their pet bad movie - they thought it was the epitome of crapness. You wouldn't even class it as a Zombie movie because it's just so... bloody awful. Controversy rages over whether it was Jess Franco or Jean Rollin who directed the movie, either way, thy should be highly ashamed of themselves. The maker of the film throws tons of gratuitous nudity at us to try and make us forget its diabolical nature. We are led to believe that zombies feel love and a dead Nazi soldier recognises his own daughter and walks hand in hand down the street with her. You will either pee yourself laughing at this one or go mental as it is so bad. It fails not just as a zombie film and a horror film but quite possibly as any type of film altogether. It is total trash. You have been warned.