What Your Favourite Martin Scorsese Movie Says About You


p1216763874The Movie: Goodfellas is Scorsese's 1990 adapted crime movie about Henry Hill's ascent in the mob and subsequent decline as relationships within its hierarchy are tested. What It Says About You: Goodfellas is ultimately a film about belonging and the front of pride people put up to mask their insecurity about feeling alone. If Goodfellas is your favorite Scorsese movie, you likely highly empathize with Henry Hill in terms of admiring your heroes from a distance. For example, if you are a big fan of the gangsters in this movie and are fascinated by the lifestyles they lead, which reaction the restaurant scene scored with "Then He Kissed Me" would seem to beg from us, then you are like Henry Hill in terms of searching to belong in a setting you ultimately can only observe as an outsider. We who rank this as our top film are likely the loner type who reaches out for more, only to be overwhelmed and ejected back into a state of dull, frustrating normalcy we don't wish to admit as our true belonging. Favorite Movies: This classic story of character rise-and-fall, saturated simultaneously with pride and undertones of childlike timidity (that leads to despair) in its protagonist, evokes Citizen Kane to a thorough extent. A similar modern twist to Goodfellas sharing themes of pride, ambition, tense relationships, and loneliness embedded in deceptive popularity would be The Social Network. Fans of Goodfellas will find familiarity in both of these titles that's prime to make them additional favorites. Soundbite: Fans may quote the famous line, "I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you?" to see if they can get a similar reaction out of their friends as the one Tommy DeVito pulled from Henry.


Sydney is from Roswell, Georgia, where she takes pride in Georgia's growing film industry. She is a sophomore at Northwestern University with a minor in Film & Media Studies and a love for writing. Her life has unsuccessfully aspired to model a Keira Knightley period piece. Sydney is most likely to be found in an emptied theater viewing the credits and sipping her staple drink: all the theater’s sodas mixed together.