Why Zack Snyder Was Fired From Justice League

6. ...And He Wouldn't (Or Couldn't) Change It

Joss Whedon Justice League
Warner Bros.

Looking at the timeline of Justice League's production, the allegedly disastrous early screening of Justice League that apparently led to Snyder ordering reshoots and handing them over to Joss Whedon is a key moment.

Had he stepped away, we could accept that Snyder had identified all those issues but simply didn't have the time and focus to pull off the necessary changes. That version of the narrative identified Snyder as a trouble-shooter of sorts, still pulling the strings even in his absence, and it depended on the idea of him both knowing something was up with his cut and selling his ability to fix it to Warner Bros.

If he was sacked, the story changes dramatically. It would seem that they saw that cut and realised it was the end of the line for Snyder, bringing in Joss Whedon to undo the damage as quickly as possible. They clearly didn't see Snyder fixing his own issues as a possibility.

Either that or he refused to change his vision himself and the decision was made for him?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.