10 Best Ever Minecraft Mods

5. Terraria 3D

I spent a ludicrous amount of time with Terraria, Minecraft's 2D cousin and this mod lets me bring everything I loved about my favourite 2D block-em-up into Minecraft, allowing me to while away the hours fighting monsters and crawling through dungeons all over again. Terraria 3D includes just about every weapon, armour set and spell from Terraria and a few extras on top. The Corruption and The Hallow are included, replete with a host of familiar monsters. Everyone's favourite utility The Grappling Hook is also present and it works perfectly in a 3D environment, zipping from one place to another, up trees and across mountains is great fun and it makes traversing Minecraft's treacherous caverns a hell of a lot easier. At the moment the only boss available is the King Slime, but the developers are always working on adding more. If you fancy adventuring through Terraria 3D with your friends then you're in luck, the mod is compatible with multiplayer, albeit with reduced functionality. I highly recommend this mod to any Terraria fan looking to recreate the experience in 3D, and just about anyone else for that matter. With so many features and even more still in production this mod is an absolute must play. This mod along with full installation instructions can be found here.
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Rob is a fan of gaming, writing, music and chain smoking. Follow him on Twitter for irreverent musings and other assorted nonsense @robsheridan89