10 Best Ever Minecraft Mods

6. Wizardcraft

If there's one thing vanilla Minecraft is lacking, it€™s magic. Bashing Creepers over the head with a sword is great and everything but sometimes you just want to breathe some fire on the bastards. Well WizardCraft lets us do just that, amongst other things. Wannabe wizards can craft up to 8 different elemental staffs, each of which are upgradeable, unlocking more powerful spells as you go. Each staff has a unique set of spells associated to it, fire staffs understandably allow you to set fire to your surroundings, frost staffs allow you to freeze entire lakes and summon wights to serve you in battle, earth staffs have the power to raise towers of dirt or summon blocks of ore up to the surface and wind staffs grant you the ability to teleport. There's nothing quite like raining down fire upon a bunch of unsuspecting zombies, or blowing up a village with a volley of exploding balls of magma. Unfortunately this mod isn't available for multiplayer games yet so anyone looking for a spot of wizard on wizard combat will be left disappointed. If flinging spells about the place like a lunatic sounds good to you then you can grab the mod and full instructions here.
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Rob is a fan of gaming, writing, music and chain smoking. Follow him on Twitter for irreverent musings and other assorted nonsense @robsheridan89