10 Best WWE Video Game Covers Ever

9. MicroLeague Wrestling

wwe 13 cover

Live action packed matches!

Your strategy - with authentic moves!

Ringside commentary, interviews, and more!

Defend The Hulkster's title - or challenge the champ!

For the standards of the day way back in 1987, the words on the cover of WWF MicroLeague Wrestling were nothing more than a pack of lies which is why this cover ranks so highly in my affections. How can you not love a cover that completely oversells what is inside the box?

The image of Hulk Hogan is staggeringly brilliant with his arms that look like he's either spent too much time in the sun, slowly turning into Barney The Dinosaur, or had some sort of allergic reaction to his fake tan. Who in their right mind thought this looked good?

Oh the 1980s, they were so mad.

This has to be one of the worst WWE covers in history, so bad in fact that it's absolutely brilliant and deserving of its place amongst the very best of all time!

What? It makes sense in my head...

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.