10 Best WWE Video Game Covers Ever

8. Royal Rumble

wwe 13 cover
Acclaim Entertainment

This cover for 1993's classic Royal Rumble for Super Nintendo is a cut above the standards of the day. It's ahead of its time, so much so that if a similar design was used today - and I know the pictures wouldn't look as... sh*t...with modern technology and whatnot - you wouldn't bat an eyelid. It would fit right in.

Even though the images on the cover look like badly photocopied snaps printed off using the freshest of old school printer cartridges - you know, when the ink is in such plentiful amounts that it's a few shades darker than the actual image you're printing - the cast of characters is one you have to marvel at. It's one of the things that make aged wrestling games like this so great, even though you don't get the roster depth you get in new games; every star showcased on a game is sure to be a bonafide WWE Hall of Famer.

All killer, no fi... Arnold Schwarzenegger as a pre-order bonus.

Even though early '90s WWF isn't remembered very fondly for the action inside the ring, this game is certainly a highlight in terms of definitive titles from years gone by. The cover sets the tone and the greatness continues throughout.

I know I said I was going to try and judge these titles without letting the games themselves alter my opinions... it's hard, alright!

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.