10 Brutal Ways Video Game Characters Directly Mocked Players

These jabs were designed to be taken personally. Very personally. Fourth wall personally!

Eve stellar blade
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Video game characters serve plenty of roles in gaming. Some battle against the player, some help them, and others mull around in the background to make the world feel more alive. But just because NPCs aren't real doesn't mean they don't have feelings, and sometimes those feelings turn into pure apathy against you. Yes, you.

Breaking the fourth wall is something you see a lot when playing games. However, while many fourth wall breaks come down to Easter Eggs or in-jokes to give the player a little jolt of dopamine, others can be downright brutal. 

A lot of the time, that brutality comes from NPCs who are fed up with the player and decide to lash out at them. 

The following video game characters fit that bill, as they looked directly at those holding the controller and straight-up insulted them. They did so for a myriad of reasons, such as being left unattended, a response to the player doing something stupid, or just for the sick thrill of it. 

It hurts so much more to be mocked by these characters, as you're supposed to be in charge of their world. But they didn't give a damn. 

10. Heather Mason's Toilet Troubles (Silent Hill 3)

Eve stellar blade

There's an unwritten rule in gaming that if a title offers you the option to do something, you do it, even if it's grim. Silent Hill 2 forced players into this, as James Sunderland had to go diving into a gross toilet to get what he needed, something you should really try to avoid in real life.  

However, Silent Hill 3's Heather Mason was less willing to commit to such a gross-out act. 

If you played SH3 with a memory card featuring save data from SH2 on it, then you'd be treated to a hilarious cutscene referencing this act. In it, Heather comes close to delving into a toilet, just like James. But before she commits, she jumps up in disgust and rejects the idea. Afterwards, she looks directly into the camera and says, "Who would even think of doing something so disgusting?" 

At that point, you probably raised your hand slowly and thought, "Heather, you are so right. Why on Earth did I do that in the last game?"


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!