10 Brutal Ways Video Game Characters Directly Mocked Players

9. Sonic Gets Impatient (Sonic The Hedgehog)

Eve stellar blade

Sonic's whole MO is going fast. The little blue guy has just "gotta go fast," and if he's not, then something is truly wrong. But this isn't a condition Sonic keeps to himself, as he's happy to let you know when you're slowing him down.  

There are times in gaming when you'll need to set the controller down for a second and leave the main character idle. Most player characters will patiently wait in these moments for you to come back and tell them what to do. Sonic, however, has no such patience, as taking too long to move him will result in the iconic character looking directly at the camera and aggressively tapping his toe. 

He does this in almost every 2D Sonic game. In some, he'll ever wind up lying down on the floor if you leave him long enough.

This act of defiance was unprecedented back in the 90s. It not only fed into the idea that SEGA did games differently but quickly established the personality of Sonic the Hedgehog as an utter speed freak who would happily mock the player. 


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!