10 "Good" Video Game Factions That Are Secretly Evil

Do-gooders by day, terrifying monsters at night!


Picking a faction for your character to support is a big part of most story-based video games. The world you play in can be inhabited by a variety of different groups and organizations, and joining one over the others can completely change how you experience the story.

This said, the decision isn’t always as straightforward as the game makes it seem. In some cases, a faction you pick might look like one thing at first glance and turn out to be something completely different a moment later. More specifically, a faction that poses as the good guys is secretly full of evil villains.

You won’t know this going in, but the do-gooders and heroes your character allies themselves with will turn out to be monsters, traitors, or a conspiracy of fanatics ready to unleash true hell upon the world. And once their true intentions are revealed, signing up for their “noble cause” may bring about some nasty consequences.

Unfortunately, the only way to figure out if your friends are the heroes they are is to follow cryptic hints or find out when it’s already too late. So if you don’t want to be caught by surprise, be wary of the following factions!

10. The Loyalists - Dishonored


The Loyalist Conspiracy, or the Loyalists for short, is a group from the original Dishonored that's dedicated to helping Corvo rescue the Empress's daughter, Emily, and reinstate her on the throne.

The conspiracy eventually betrays Corvo to turn Emily into a political puppet and therefore put themselves in charge, becoming the antagonists of the third act of the game, but if you pay close attention to the various hints left throughout the world, you can actually figure out that the Loyalists are not the humble servants they claim to be way earlier.

If you use the Heart on the Loyalists’ leader, Admiral Havelock, it will reveal to you some secrets about his past. The Heart will first tell you that he used to be a whale hunter who killed the creatures for greed and pleasure, and then that he was a mutineer who, contrary to the official story, defected from the navy after the Empress's death not because of being outraged by the assassination but to attempt to seize control over the military, further alluding to his true motive.

Havelock and his buddies were setting you up from the get-go, and it was staring you in the face the whole time.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.