10 "Good" Video Game Factions That Are Secretly Evil

9. The Golden Path - Far Cry 4


Most Far Cry games feature sympathetic villains who, despite their cruelty and sadistic tendencies, have some good reason to do the things they do.

Far Cry 4 is no different in this regard from Pagan Min, but it also does something extra by making its heroes, the Golden Path, the secret true bad guys of the game.

The Golden Path is Kyrat's rebel faction, run by Sabal and Amita, a deeply spiritual traditionalist and a progressive freedom fighter, respectively.

Their idealistic views and connection to your character's father make their group seem like the only hope for Kyrat’s freedom, but once they manage to dethrone the dictator Pagan Min with your help, their true colors begin to shine.

Not only do both leaders ask you to assassinate the other to secure all power for themselves, they each use this power to exploit their country.

If you side with Sabal, the man and his warriors turn Kyrat into a theocratic and intolerant dictatorship. Amita, on the other hand, becomes an oppressive criminal who uses slavery and child labor to peddle drugs out of the country.

When the Golden Path said they fought for freedom, what they meant was the freedom to let their leaders do as they please.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.