10 Most Harrowing Animal Encounters In Video Games

Gandalf really needs to show up and tame Far Cry 4's eagles.

Nothing beats exploring; it can be the snowy mountains of Skyrim, the tropical waters of the Caribbean or the magical lands of the Sword Coast, gamers will always love venturing out into the wilderness. Although our real world might have some amazing locations to explore, its easier - and normally cheaper - to dive headlong into a magical forest in a video game than trying to find one outside. Games have done a fantastic job of luring players into its gorgeous natural environments too, but unfortunately with such stunning and foreign locations often comes very vicious wildlife. Found atop mountain peaks, on sunny beaches and around besieged farms are the denizens of nature determined to protect the their territory, or kill you. Or both. Whether you€™re a brave adventurer, a fearlessly assassin or just hopelessly lost, you€™ll find yourself put upon by all manner of brazen beast, and while some are fun to hunt or hide from others make life a misery. The list beyond contains every creature you never want to meet. They might seem friendly enough, but after extensive testing and numerous eaten limbs from gamers across the world, it has been confirmed that these creatures are to be avoided at all costs.

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Having just graduated from Northumbria Uni, I've been looking for the chance to get into the games media. Having always loved games, its been somewhat of a dream to get to talk about them for a living. Mainly because my friends have stopped listening.