10 Massive E3 2016 Rumours You're Not Supposed To Know
Red Dead 3, Battlefield 5's new setting, Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham followup and many more...

In years gone by, looking to June's E3 conference as early as March would've been tantamount to madness, but times have changed. Both movies and games get teasers for teasers years before release, and as all sorts of comments from top-level execs are starting to roll out in regards to what the games industry in particular is planning for the biggest show of them all, it's about time we took stock of the best.
On just March 3rd, Nintendo delivered another fairly solid 'Direct' livestream, one in which they balanced the awesomeness of bringing SNES games to the Virtual Console, by having a member of Metroid Prime: Federation Force's dev team try in vein to justify its existence. In the end, it reminded gamers of one thing; we ruddy love looking forward to future projects and teased releases, for better or worse.
Although 2016 is off to quite possibly the best start to a year in gaming history, that momentum isn't going to slow down any time soon, and here's to E3 capitalising on it in full.
10. Rocksteady's Next Game Is Superman

The below (apparently fake) image emerged in July 2015 from within Warner Bros. Montreal, slap-bang in the middle of Batman: Arkham Knight's post-release fervour showing fans finding scores of Superman-related easter eggs around Gotham. There was Lex Luthor on Bruce's answer phone, a big ol' LexCorp building, even the various thugs around the world would mention "that freak from Metropolis", proving years of rumours around Rocksteady building a shared universe all along were true.
Now, with Batman v Superman on the horizon (which will have finished its cinematic run by the time E3 comes around), in theory DC fans and superhero lovers across the board are going to be in the mood for either some more Batman (which Telltale are aiming to provide), or - and this is far more tantalising - a Superman game, done Arkham-style.

Rocksteady have remained quiet on the whole affair - aside from teasing more Batman-related projects in episode 11 of their Arkham Insider series - and are clearly very aware of the Justice League-focussed world they're painting (a Green Arrow/Oliver Queen building is also in Gotham). If you're a developer fanatical about DC and have the blessing of Warner Bros. at your side, that means the most lucrative options are either Suicide Squad or a spiritual Batman V Superman tie-in, with all signs point to the latter.