10 Most Badass Weapons In Video Game History

A lot of the time, it's weapons that really help define a game and make it what it is. A game can be great in theory, with superb graphics and an engaging storyline, but if the weapons aren't up to scratch, then we're not going to savour each and every kill as we do with the very best shoot 'em ups. A brutal, visceral action game needs weapons that reflect that brutality, and help to make the protagonist seem all that more badass as a force to be reckoned with. The very best video game weapons are enormously destructive, require some strategy to be used effectively, and most importantly of all, are just a straight up blast (pun intended). Given how many generic pulse rifles and rocket launchers we've seen in games over the years, here are 10 weapons that are certifiably the most uniquely badass in the history of video games.

10. Crowbar - Half-Life

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL_Nu0Cpi3E Though Half-Life 2 came along and completely blew this weapon out of the water in terms of awesomeness - you'll see later - Gordon Freeman's trusty crowbar was the signature weapon of the original game, a crudely effective, brutal weapon with which you could smash headcrabs to bits. If you were cruel like me, you used it at your first opportunity to beat security guard Barney to death, stealing his gun and creating a time paradox for all future Half-Life games in which he appears (unless you subscribe to the theory that Barney is just an all-catch name for pudgy security guards). The crowbar is one of the trustiest weapons in gaming, given that it of course requires no ammo, and is impossible to lose, making it one of the first major "melee" weapons that a player could always fall back on when the chips were down. Granted, it's absolutely useless during a ranged battle against enemies armed with guns, but to get out of a few tight binds against the headcrabs, it is brutally efficient.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.