10 Video Game Ideas We're GLAD Got Cut
Thank goodness these ideas were ditched!

In an ideal world, every shred of creativity, every droplet of ambition, and every crumb of intention would be soaked up in the final product of a video game. But sadly, we do not live in an ideal world. No, we live in a world of crushing deadlines, technical limitations, corporate meddling, and E.A. As such, it's not uncommon for great ideas to be cut from video games.
Naturally, when you're playing a title and find out that there are ideas or content that have been removed from it, you can't help but think, "Damn, I wish I had got the chance to see it." The fear of missing out is intense as you really want to know if/how these cut ideas would have worked. That said, there are some cuts that should leave you jumping for joy.
The following ten entries are prime examples of this. Each of these games came with removed ideas that you wouldn't have wanted to touch, some because they would have ruined the gaming experience and others because they would have made you need a change of pants.
10. Stalking Anglerfish - The Outer Wilds

Anyone who has played The Outer Wilds would agree that this space-faring adventure is a mostly peaceful game. That said, if you bring up Dark Bramble, you'll see those same folks sweat. Why? Because they'll be thinking about those damn Anglerfish.
These alien menaces are terrifying creatures that devour any explorers they hear. Thankfully, they only appear on the strange planetary remnant, Dark Bramble, meaning you never have to worry about them unless you're there. However, that wasn't the case in the game's pre-alpha build.
Dark Bramble was a very different place before the game moved out of the prototype stage. The biggest difference was that the Anglerfish could leave the planet and stalk the player across the system. Many gamers would have put their controllers down forever if that had stayed until the final release, as these relentless beasts are anxiety-inducing to the max.
Here's a little message to the Outer Wilds devs - screw you for creating these monsters in the first place, but thank you for keeping them in one place.