10 Video Game Villains That Were Total Rubbish

6. Willie Wumpa Cheeks

Game: Crash Tag Team Racing We're not saying a racing game necessarily has to have a strong villain for it to work as a game. But if you're gonna go down that route, at least put in a bit of effort. Willie Wumpa Cheeks already qualified for this list based on his ridiculous name, before you even get into the details of his bizarre anatomy. Willie Wumba Cheeks is made up of a Wumpa fruit for a head, a 'Wumpa Pumpa' for a nose and he speaks in rhyme. He's revealed as the main antagonist of the game, and the one who stole the black power gem. In fact, Willie Wumpa would have gotten away with it, but he decides to spill the beans because he's annoyed that no one figured out it was him. Also, he never really gives a reason for why he stole the gem in the first place. Possibly the most illogical villain of all time.
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