13 Criminally Underrated Marvel Superhero Video Games You Must Play

11. Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

underrated marvel video games
Radical Entertainment

Pretty much existing as Prototype before the series even existed, Hulk: Ultimate Destruction let you loose as the big green monster in the heart of New York, giving you the ability to blow up anything and everything you could get your hands on.

While it wasn't exactly a game with the most depth, the open world structure really lends itself to a character like Hulk, where the focus is more on impromptu emergent gameplay than scripted storylines.

Ultimate Destruction was great because it was one of those games you could just pick up and play for an hour and have a blast with. While the missions themselves were explosive and generally fun, it was the fact that you could have hours and hours of enjoyment simply from trying to constantly one-up yourself on how much chaos you could cause inside the game's detailed version of New York City.

Four words: Suplexing helicopters into tanks.



Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3