6 Ups & 9 Downs From No Man's Sky

Not the kind of crashes you'd expect...

No Man's Sky
Hello Games

It feels like it's taken forever, but No Man's Sky is finally here! Arguably the most-hyped game of 2016 has arrived amid both immense excitement and skepticism. Can it live up to the colossal hype whirlwind, or is it destined to be remembered as another Spore?

Well, No Man's Sky is at once a great game and also one that falls short in a number of key areas - it's neither a major disappointment, nor the epic masterpiece you're probably hoping for.

Hello Games have unquestionably delivered a sumptuous journey for players to sink their teeth into, though it's clear that the game could use refinements in several major areas, and it remains to be seen how many of these glaring issues will be remedied through patches.

As the current game stands, here are 6 ups and 9 downs from No Man's Sky...



9. The Game Crashes... A Lot

No Man S Sky Crash
Hello Games

Any hope that No Mans Sky's extensive day-one patch would remedy the bugs reported from people who obtained early copies of the game were quickly dashed when a large percentage of players began to report frequent crashes even after the patch went live.

The most common condition for a crash to the PS4 menu is during a warp between star systems: the game will reach the end of the warp and shut down, and may crash again when you attempt to restart the game.

Though Sean Murray advised players against warping more than 256 light years at once to avoid the crash for now, the randomness of the crashing has proven extremely frustrating for a large portion of players. In our own experience, the game crashed over a dozen times in the first five hours alone.

We can only hope Hello Games will issue a follow-up patch to remedy this ASAP, because right now it's hurting the game something fierce.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.