7 Upcoming Video Game Reboots That'll Blow You Away In 2016

5. TimeSplitters Rewind

Like many other games in this list, Rewind is a testament to the power of a game's fan community willpower to make great things happen. The TimeSplitters games were some of the best multiplayer experiences for the PS2, with a bright, irreverent tone and vibrant style that we rarely see today, and pulsating fast-paced gameplay. When TimeSplitters developer Free Radical went into administration in 2009 and had to cancel TimeSplitters 4 for the PS3, most of us thought the monkey-filled, cartoony-shooter dream was over. But a couple of years ago the game was revived, as a dedicated community of code-savvy TimeSplitters fans put in a request to Crytek (the owners of the IP), asking whether they could use the game's license and remake it themselves, seeing as Crytek said time and again that it had no plans to make a new TimeSplitters. Crytek said yes, and so TimeSplitters Rewind was born. The TS Rewind developers are doing this with no funding apart from what people donate through the website (their unique situation with the licensing means they weren't allowed to use Kickstarter), and are essentially making the game in their own free time. Rewind is coming along slowly, but is clearly being made with meticulous attention to detail and love for the franchise. All the great levels, colourful characters and absurd weapons (bricks and monkey guns, anyone?) from the second and third games are set to make a comeback when Rewind comes to PC and PS4, hopefully by the end of the year.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.