9 Ridiculous Myths Video Games Made You Believe

Video games offer the player the unique opportunity to enter a world in which the normal rules don€™t apply, in which cause and effect are as malleable as silly putty. That€™s why we play after all, to escape the banality of existence, where nine times out of ten the most exciting thing to happen in our day is the moment something we ordered online (probably a video game) arrives through the post. Gaming is perhaps the only entertainment medium to put you in direct control of what you see on screen, so it goes without saying that as a player, you€™ll sometimes be taking part in activities that just aren€™t feasible, advisable or even possible in real life. However, you€™re expected to suspend your disbelief and imagine that they are in fact commonplace occurrences; if you can€™t, how can the protagonist and by extension you, be doing them? As a result of repetition, some of these elements €“ pertaining to climbing, driving or shooting for example €“ are so accepted, so repeated, that we may believe that they€™re actually possible or feasible in real life. But they€™re really not. This article is dedicated to those elements, those myths, that gaming as a medium expects you to take as red, despite the fact that repeating them in real life will almost certainly result in your death or incarceration. So, let€™s quit the chatter and let€™s jump in shall we?
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.