9 Ridiculous Myths Video Games Made You Believe

9. Climbing Is Easy

Several times during my history as a gamer, I€™ve taken a character on a ridiculously difficult and ambitious climb, right up to the top of a ruined church or a particularly high tower, and I€™ve thought to myself €œI reckon I could do that, if the handholds were laid out so conveniently€. Then, almost as if my brain kicked into survival mode, I€™ve immediately reconsidered and decided that I couldn€™t. Climbing a tree is difficult enough if you weigh as much as an adult weighs (seriously, try it, I bet it€™s not as easy as you remember), but scaling an entire building without so much as a rope or a safety net? It€™s just not possible and if it is even statistically possible, there€™s probably still a 99% certainty that the most likely result would be death by fast approaching concrete. Despite certain games maintaining that climbing is in fact a relatively simple and leisurely affair, it€™s clearly not, and you€™d be a fool to believe otherwise. But then I guess if you believe this myth, you€™re probably already dead. Propagators of the Myth: Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Assassin€™s Creed
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.