9 Video Game Sequels So Bad They Killed The Series

5. Soldier Of Fortune: Payback

Gamers had a lot of fun with the original Soldier Of Future; sure, it wasn€™'t the most polished shooter ever and it looked downright fugly at times, but the body dismemberment system was a wonder to behold. Blasting off arms, legs and heads is old hat now, but at the time there was much fun to be had.

It could have become a long running series with the right approach but the mediocre sequel Double Helix fatally wounded it, and the last game Payback finished the job. Payback had no story ties to the first two games, and introduced a new hero who went around the world blasting faceless enemies. The gore was still intact, but the whole experience was such a crushing bore that even fountains of blood got dull quickly.

Fans of the series hated it, and the poor response meant the franchise was made to sit in the corner; it€™'s been sitting there for nearly ten years now.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.