Batman: Arkham Knight - 20 Brand New Images You Need To See

2015 can't come soon enough.

The end of 2014 continues to be a magnificent display of what happens when a year-long wait of development time catches up with the expectations of an entire industry. Sure there's been some roadblocks - or straight up brick-walls - when it comes to the likes of Assassin's Creed: Unity and Driveclub launching in completely broken states, but the flip-side to that coin is full of gems like Shadow of Mordor, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age, The Evil Within and the remastered GTA V. Looking to 2015 Rocksteady are suitably whetting a few thousand palettes by dropping a new trailer for next year's Arkham Knight, and although the identity of the Knight himself remains a mystery, there's a bevy of things to pick apart from within that are worth talking about. This is how the pre-release hype-machine should be fuelled too, rather than the overblown nature of Ubisoft's approach with Assassin's Creed, where we're drowning in trailers and "Pre-order this now!" soundbites before any of the game's defining features have been revealed. So far the general sense of wonder around the likes of what's happened with Joker, who the Arkham Knight is and exactly what mental state Bruce is in following the events of Asylum and City is something that's being playing up to perfection - but that doesn't mean what's breaking right now can't be dissected and discussed in the comments below.
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