It's probably going to take a good few years to accurately chronicle and catalogue every last thing you can see and do in Bethesda's magnum opus, but between our hefty easter egg breakdown and essential guide for beginners, what's left is every tip, trick and awesome piece of advice even seasoned veterans of the wasteland might not know. Thing is, the overall lack of tutorials once you're outside the starting Vault in Fallout 4 has become quite the talking point. On the one hand it's welcoming to not have a game hold your hand and belabour every single game mechanic, but on the other, fans are discovering there's an absolute shedload of things you can do that make the act of playing exponentially more fun. For example, did you even know there was a cover system? We've got more on that later, but it's emblematic of how very crucial parts of the experience are easily missable. As such, Fallout 4's been getting a bit of a mixed reception because of both this and the standard 'Bethesda jank' of bugs and glitches.There's definitely nothing quite like a Bethesda RPG, and as they've combined Destiny's loot grind with Doom's infectiously meaty gunplay, here's how to continue getting the most out of what'll surely be many peoples' Game of the Year regardless.