God Of War: Ranking The 10 Best Boss Battles

9. The Hecatonchires - God Of War: Ascension

In Kratos' last outing, the prequel God of War: Ascension begins with an imprisoned Kratos seeking to break his bondage and exact revenge on the three Furies, who are torturing him for breaking his oath to Ares. Upon beginning his escape, Kratos soon learns that the prison is built upon the gigantic Hecatonchires, a creature whose name translates to "Hundred-Handed One".

The creature design is impeccable, with the main head of the beast protruding large insect-like fangs and attacking the platform you find yourself on, while combating the monstrous figure. The hands themselves are formidable monsters too, battling you as you make your way around the prison, but eventually serving as a useful weapon against the main head of the beast.

This boss battle shows the expertise of game developers Sony Santa Monica at using scale and a smooth moving camera to engulf the player in the fight, steering them through this insane first battle with ease.

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