God Of War: Ranking The 10 Best Boss Battles

8. Hercules - God Of War 3

Having learned that he is, in fact, a true demigod and the son of Zeus in God of War 2, Kratos' battle with Hercules is made all the more poignant as a sibling rivalry of epic proportions.

Battling in front of their step-mother, Hera, Hercules sees Kratos as his thirteenth and final labour, and believes that by killing Kratos, he will become the new God of War. Wielding the Nemean Cestus weapons, Hercules' greatest tools were soon turned against him.

As one of the smaller boss battles in terms of villain size, this boss battle might seem underwhelming compared to the rest of this list, but given the story relevance of their blood ties, and the fantastic battery of Hercules's face using his Cestus against him, this fight stands out for the cringe-inducing crushing of Hercules' head under the iron fist of his half-brother.

It's one of the most grizzly deaths in the series, and well worthy of it's spot on this list.

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