Gran Turismo 6: 10 Things It Needs

9. Every Car Is A Premium Model

003 Easily the most disappointing aspect of Gran Turismo 5 for me was the fact that we waited 5 years for it, being fed hundreds of gorgeous screenshots and videos of the beautifully-rendered cars, only for us to get to release day and discover that only around 300 of the 1000+ cars were "premium" models, while the rest were simply up-scaled versions of the same vehicles we saw from the PS2's Gran Turismo 4. Given how acclaimed the series is for its visuals, I felt severely deflated looking at some of GT5's lacklustre textures up close; that they felt this an adequate graphical standard, especially after the constant delays, is ludicrous. For GT6, make every car Premium, or just don't bother. If you can only make 300 cars look amazing, then only put 300 cars in the game (though that would be quite disappointing too). Hopefully now that PD have the engine of the game in place, they've been able to spend the last few years upping their Premium model count. Hell, the terms "premium" and "standard" shouldn't even exist when we're talking about car visuals. Go hard or go home.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]