GTA V: 20 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited

20. Superior Storytelling

One thing Rockstar is famed for across the land is their superior writing. The original GTA was so controversial that many initially played it just to see what the fuss was about, but it was the superiority of the actual game itself, the way in which its story was presented, that retained our attention. Just take a quick look at Rockstar€™s triple-A titles from recent years: Vice City, San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption, L.A Noir. All famed for, amongst other things, their gripping, white-knuckle stories. They€™re games that we played for weeks on end, not for the multiplayer (which is the welcome added bonus that takes us into the months) but to lose ourselves in the epic, interwoven story and forget for just a moment that we have our problems out in the real world. We know very little €“ basically nothing - about GTA V€™s story at this point, but you could probably win some serious Benjamins on a bet that it€™ll be characteristically fantastic.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.