It's not uncommon to see massively popular games being re-released for the next-gen consoles - Tomb Raider received a Definitive Edition earlier this year and The Last Of Us is coming to the PlayStation 4 in a re-mastered format too. Both games were phenomenal on the older systems last year so it's unsurprising that their developers wanted a chance to shine the games up that little bit extra and re-release them to up their sales a bit more. Grand Theft Auto V was also released last year and, unsurprisingly, Rockstar have decided that their biggest title to date should find a new home on the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and the PC. In order to entice gamers back into San Andreas, Rockstar are claiming that the game will have significant improvements to graphics with improved weather effects and an increased density in population (both traffic and wildlife), thanks to the superior hardware. That means that the highly controversial GTA Online will also be arriving on next-gen hardware this year. The game had a rough start to life as the servers crashed under the millions trying to access it on launch; Rockstar is still trying to win fans' approval back. The next-gen versions will allow you to port your Online character from the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 to whichever next-gen platform you've selected which is a neat way to get people straight back into the action online. Those are the 'official' reasons on why we should be rushing out to re-buy Grand Theft Auto V though. There's nothing worse than a gamer feeling short changed, and so we've come up with a list of reasons to revisit San Andreas with the updated version of Grand Theft Auto V. Half of the selections in this article are missions which are exciting, funny, memorable and deserving of another playthrough, whilst the other half are improvements we think will be implemented thanks to the improved hardware of the next-gen platforms or things you may have forgotten about since your first trip through the game. Every item on this list is something we're looking forward to revisiting when GTA V hits shelves again; hopefully you'll find something to entice you back into the crazy world of Grand Theft Auto V too.
I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.